Thursday, April 1, 2010


Not sure if this is a nesting thing, or a Melissa thing, but I have felt absolutely compelled to make cookies lately. So I decided on two Smitten Kitchen Recipes (what can I say, I am obsessed).

The first, I made are World Peace Cookies. I think I am going to name them "Health Care Reform Cookies" so they will be a little more specific and relevant. World Peace is just asking too much of these cookies. They definitely fulfilll the pregnancy chocolate craving, aren't too sweet, and taste awesome and crumbly with a glass of milk. Here's some pictures! Finally, I am getting better.

My potty humor got the best of me here...

The final product. Mine don't look quite as "shiny" as Deb's. I think my over cooks a bit hot, so they might've gotten overdone.

While the poop chocolate cookie logs chilled in the freezer, I washed out my mixing bowl and started on the dough for these amazing Key Lime Meltaways. In my opinion, these cookies have a bit more of a "wow" factor than the world peace cookes. They actually do what their moniker implies, which is meltaway in your mouth, and the lime taste is strong but tempered by the creaminess of the butter, vanilla, and powdered sugar. My opinion may be biased right now though, because anything citrusy and tart makes me positively giddy in my elastic-waist jeans!

The texture of these cookies would also lend themselves to a pecan-sandy type of thing. Just sayin...

Love. Love. Love. How easy my Kitchen Aid + Chilled Dough Logs makes baking cookies.

After they're baked.

Final product.

So that's it for my baking. I also have plans to take PW's Lemon Crumb Squares over to my grandma's on Easter. I told you I can't get enough citrusy goodness!

Note: Before you start think I am a complete porker, please know these cookies were wrapped in gift bags and doled out to my doctor and nurses at my appointment yesterday. I only ate about 15. :)

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