Today I went into Strasburg Children on my lunchbreak to see if they had a baptism outfit for Ben. Before I had kids I always passed this store in the mall and swore my children would never wear their clothes. I pictured my kids in adorable little adult-type clothes. The boys in cargo pants and vintage tees with little chuck taylors... and the girls in tiny skinny jeans, tuinic tops, and flats (a la Suri Cruise). However, while in the store, found myself wandering outside of the baptismal section and totally wanting every single thing in there. Like I want Ben to get a bit older so he can wear a Jon Jon.

Crazy. I know, right? Is it it the change in the hormones that cause you to love the smocking, peter pan collars, pleating, and pastels? Or is it because I already know this time he is baby will be gone before I know it? He can wear grown up clothes his whole life, and only for a few short years will I be able to dress him in something semi-emasculating like above.
I posted a comment on OMGMom about how I don't put enough pics of the wee one up on my blog... and how I have Mom guilt about it. So I am going to start posting more pics of him and taking more (need to fix the damn problem with my memory card).Today, I'll display my very favorite. Greg had this one blown up and framed for our anniversary. I took it at my friend Katie's wedding.
OMG hates me.