Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Ben is On Strike

Apparently there is a thing called a "nursing strike". It is when your baby flat out refuses to nurse. Every time I try to get Ben to nurse (in the afternoon evenings after he has had bottles during the day) he arches his back and screams bloody murder. The little battle of wills is seriously testing my patience.

The causes of a nursing strike can be, but are not limited to, teething, over-use of the bottle (eff you working Moms), sickness, or overall being a bad Mom (just kidding, sorta). Right now Ben nurses with me in the mornings and in the evenings. While he is at daycare he eats bottles of breastmik and formula. So about 50% of his food is administered through the bottle. Before I started working, I tested a BUNCH of bottles to see which one would release milk the slowest in hopes of lessening his preference for the bottle and impatience while nursing. I guess I did a crappy job of bottle searching... because he loooves the ease and efficiency.
So what is the solution? All the hippie breastfeeding websites recommend laying around all day with your shirt open while in bed with your baby. #1 I don't have time for that. #2 A little creepy? As a SIDE NOTE: Almost all breastfeeding resources out there seems to be geared towards SAHMs. There is ONE single solitary website I've found that helps out the working Mom and even it's solutions aren't all that helpful.
He will nurse first thing in the morning. I think his little brain resets over night and he forgets that he hates me. Tomorrow I am working from home so I am only going to offer him the ability to nurse and try not to give him a bottle. Hopefully this will completely reset him and he will stop rejecting his mother.Then if that works, I am going to try a different bottle. I have been reading about the First Years Breastflow Bottle and think it might make the contrast between bottle and boobie quite as distinct for the little man.
I am going to leave you with a video of him. Please excuse my crappy camera skills, and his boogery nose.

1 comment:

  1. Have I mentioned before that I love your kid?? Well.. I will mention it again. I love this little guy!!
