Thursday, July 15, 2010


Taking Fenugreek* makes you smell** like waffles.

I'm a simple man. I like pretty dark-haired women and breakfast food.

I guess since my husband's alter-ego is Ron Swanson***, this could be a good thing.

*Fenugreek is a magical herb that makes you produce more milk than Daisy the cow.
** OK, it makes your sweat smell like waffles. Don't judge me for being a little sweaty. It's July in Texas.
***I vote that we stop with the Chuck Norris jokes and start with the Ron Swanson jokes.

1 comment:

  1. Instead of commenting on all of your's one big comment.
    I took fenugreek. THAT SHIT DID NOTHING. "cept maybe fart all the time. Im so sexy.
    I still cant wear pre-preg jeans. The fat jeans i had pre-preg dont button or zip and i use a rubberband to hold them up. WITH A MUFFIN TOP.

    You have a cute kid.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog=)
